A good reading month with lots of variety. Also some nice cover art so I chose three that I thought were especially relevant to the book content.
Going Home by Lamont, Tom
Young orphan boy is unexpectedly put in the care of a single thirty year old man.
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air by McKeon, Darragh
Glassworks by Wolfgang-Smith, Olivia
Apartment Women by Gu, Byeong-mo; translated from the Korean by Kim, Chi-Young
Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder by Mayne, Kerryn
The Estate by Jost, Sarah
The Estate by Jost, Sarah
Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame by Ford, Olivia
Baking competition
Beyond Summerland by Lecoat, Jenny
Jersey immediately post WW2. Some dark themes of collaboration, black marketing, and other crimes.
The Narrowboat Summer by Youngson, Anne
The Bishop’s Villa by Naspini, Sacha; translated from the Italian by Botsford, Clarissa
Italy, WW2
Rosarita by Desai, Anita
The Three Lives of Cate Kay by Fagan, Kate
The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone by Burges, Audrey
The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone by Burges, Audrey
I See You Everywhere by Glass, Julia
The Humble Lover by White, Edmund
The House with Twelve Rooms: stories by Christova, Stefani
Mrs. Ripley's Exit -- She Believes Me...She Believes Me Not... -- The
Coffin with the Eleven-Year-Old Myself -- Richard and Julia -- Suzie
Wants to Know the Truth -- Anna's Hair -- Paraskeva's Ghost -- The House
With Twelve Rooms.Nonfiction:
Urban Forests: A Natural History of Trees and People in the American Cityscape by Jonnes, Jill
Sisters in Science by Campbell, Olivia
Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking: A Memoir of Food and Longing by Bremzen, Anya von
Sisters in Science by Campbell, Olivia
Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking: A Memoir of Food and Longing by Bremzen, Anya von
Pickled by Sebauer, Johanna translated from the German by Banks, Lillian M. and Sayne, Aaron
Pickled by Sebauer, Johanna translated from the German by Banks, Lillian M. and Sayne, Aaron