Thursday, February 28, 2019

Trains, Names, and Other Online Stuff

Monorail, monorail, monorail...  Osaka Monorail Train switching

Strange and Silly Street Names  by Elyssa Millspaugh
all in Connecticut but how did she miss Pumpkin Delight Road in Milford?

Architecture and Embroidery: Discover the Art of Elin Petronella and Charles Henry by Victor Delaqua; Translated by Zoë Montano
So cool I want to stich one of these...

Multitasking Trees by Sonja Dümpelmann
If you love street trees...

An incidental reference to Kasper Hauser in Wolfgang Hilbig's The Females sent me Googling. Here are just a few of the results for this interesting character: 
The Enduring 200-Year-Old Mystery Of Kaspar Hauser By Gina Dimuro
Kasper Hauser - Wikipedia
Kasper Hauser on Atlas Obscura

Monday, February 18, 2019

Online Time

Having to Google whilst reading Dos Passos Rosinante to the Road Again

Translation (on Wikipedia) of stanzas of a poem by Jorge Manrique quoted in Spanish by Dos Passos

Recuerde el alma dormida              O let the soul her slumbers break, 
avive el seso e despierte             Let thought be quickened, and awake;
contemplando                          Awake to see
cómo se pasa la vida,                 How soon this life is past and gone,
cómo se viene la muerte               And death comes softly stealing on,
tan callando;                         How silently!
cuán presto se va el placer,          Swiftly our pleasures glide away,
cómo, después de acordado,            Our hearts recall the distant day
da dolor;                             the pain
cómo, a nuestro parecer,              The moments that are speeding fast
cualquiera tiempo pasado              We heed not, but the past,—the past,
fue mejor.                            More highly prize.

Nuestras vidas son los ríos           Our lives are rivers, gliding free
que van a dar en la mar,              To that unfathomed, boundless sea,
que es el morir.                      The silent grave!
Allí van los señoríos                 Thither all earthly pomp and boast
derechos a se acabar                  Roll, to be swallowed up and lost
e consumir.                           In one dark wave. 
allí los ríos caudales,               Thither the mighty torrents stray,
allí los otros medianos               Thither the brook pursues its way,
e más chicos,                         And tinkling rill,
allegados, son iguales                There all are equal; side by side
los que viven por sus manos           The poor man and the son of pride
e los ricos.                          Lie calm and still.


ajo blanco (ajoblanco): "... popular Spanish cold soup typical from Granada and Málaga. It is also a common dish in Extremadura. This dish is made of bread, crushed almonds, garlic, water, olive oil, salt and sometimes vinegar. It is usually served with grapes or slices of melon." Wikipedia

More googling... 
This whilst reading The Night Guest by Fiona McFarlane. Its set in Australia...

casuarina: "...a genus of 17 tree species in the family Casuarinaceae, native to Australia, the Indian subcontinent, southeast Asia, and islands of the western Pacific Ocean.Wikipedia

Elsewhere Online...

a place I would love to visit..  La Piscine Museum  Official site - in French

Here's an overview in English La Piscine Museum Roubaix | An art deco wonder in the north of France by Janine Marsh